Saturday, January 15, 2011

High School Basketball Game

We live right next door to a private high school. It is for grades 7-12 and costs an extremely high amount of money per year to send your children there.

Anyway, Christian is treating a high school senior there and he is a basketball player. After we fed the boys last night we walked over with the boys bundled up in hoodie sweatshirts and their snow suits. It was quite hard to walk on snow and ice and trying not to fall. I feel like I don't have good balance anyway but then to add a baby. Whoa!

When we got to the ticket table, Christian said, "I'm Blake's* Physical Therapist and they let our little family right in. The boys had a blast watching the games and playing on the gym floor. I was so surprised that they lasted so long. When we got there the girls game was still going on and we had to wait 40 min till the boys started. We got to watch the first quarter where Blake had a series of assists and 3 point shots! Blake is also a twin, so that made it fun too!

When the boys got upset, we decided to make a break for it and go home so we could put them to bed. Maybe we should have brought bottles there and watched more.. I'm sure Christian would have favored that.

Here is a picture from that game! Some of those kids would have literally towered over me. Okay so almost every player was taller than me, I admit it!

*Name has been changed

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