Sunday, September 4, 2011

Catching up - an update of sorts

Here's what we've been up to list format since that's easiest.

  • In early June, we moved to a much bigger town-home. It has 3 bedrooms and a full walk out basement which works wonderfully as a toy room. The boys love the extra space and much fuller kitchen. Seems like there are always some things strewn on the floor that they've been playing with in there. Payden's favorite - Maddie's food bowl and the clang it makes on the tile floor. Patrick's favorite - lets see... fridge, pans, canned food... and the list goes on.
  • I got my very own piano! After being so jealous of my siblings who found some really good deals, I couldn't believe when I learned that we were going to get our own. It is a Yamaha Baby Grand and a beauty! It's a sad situation since my sister-in-law's mother-in-law gave it to us as a request when she died in July. It sits in the corner of our basement and I love the stress relief of playing it! She also gave us a 42+ inch flat screen TV that now sits in our living room. All I can say is Wow!
  • Both boy are fully walking - Patrick is getting faster and faster and harder to catch! Payden has been going on his own for probably a good 2-3 weeks. He'll still lose his balance some but doing better and better! They are so much harder to chase but lots of fun!
  • Since the boys turned 18 months (I know, I know.. 18 month post coming too!) we have been trying to go to nursery but that's another story for another post since my frustrations are about up to eye level. For example: 13 kids and 2 leaders in a small room, leaders that don't watch the kids very well, and also helping my kids overcome tiredness to make it through the morning. All in all.. very stressful and I'll be so happy when this transition is complete as I am really missing my classes.

That's all for now... I promise I'll try to be better!

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