Monday, January 7, 2013

First Day of Preschool for Patrick and Payden

A little bit of background... In December, we started transitioning the boys from Tiny K Early Intervention to the School District for therapy.  It included many meetings and a lot of stress for me; hoping the boys would do okay. 

In the end.. Payden qualified for Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Pre-academics.  Patrick also qualified but just for Speech and Occupational Therapy.  Patrick should of qualified for less.. but clammed up and refused to talk much to the teachers evaluating him. 

Because Payden qualified for so much, they suggested he attend the School District Preschool for 4 days a week.  We felt like that would be too much for him and agreed to send him 2 days week. However.. we acknowledge if he acts like he needs more.. then we may increase it to four days. 

I requested Patrick also attend the Preschool since I have no car at home to bring him for therapy and they agreed Patrick could attend also.  I am so glad they are together! It has helped immensely since Patrick LOVES it so much more and is constantly talking about it. 

Below are pictures from the first day:  

Sitting on couch in their blue coats

 Sitting on the bus seat.. Payden with a book firmly gripped in his hand. Each day it has been a different book and if we forget.. he'll tell me book and will go find one. 

 And the Bus driving away.. They pick up at 7:20.. and come home about 11:30

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