If you haven't noticed my new widget to the right, I'M PREGNANT and it's Twins! We can scarcely believe it! Starting off, my hormones were 3x what they should be and I have been so nauseated. Work has been hard and I have learned to always have crackers nearby. Hopefully It will only last until the 3rd trimester.
Today was our first OB ultrasound; much anticipated might I add. After what happened last time, it was such a tear-jerker as we watched for the first time, those little pictures come on the screen. As our Doctor was measuring them, we saw their heartbeats flickering and almost their whole bodies were moving. They were very healthy and doing well: measuring 11mm and both had a 144 beats per minute. We are so excited to become parents! They are due the first week of February, however with them being twins, most likely they'll come a month early!
Below is our first ultrasound picture. It makes me cry looking at it and truly knowing that the Lord knows what he's doing with our lives if we just will patiently wait upon him. There really is sunshine beyond the clouds.

OH - MY - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I just thought I wanted to check your blog before going to bed and nothing could make me happier or give me more hope than this news! that's awesome valerie!
AHHHHHHH!!!! I'm sooooo excited for you guys! What an awesome double blessing! Keep the updates coming with pregnancy news, I want to hear all about it. I was crazy sick with Caleb too, but it only lasted about half of the pregnancy. If you start getting sick of plain crackers, try Stacy's pita chips, those work great too and have a little different taste.
I am so excited for you! Congrats! Tears are just streaming down my face for you guys! You are in our prayers and we are sooo excited for you guys!!!
YAY YAY YAY! Sorry I had to get off the phone the other day. I'm so happy for you!
I was so excited to hear the news yesterday! Congrats! Please let me know how we can help. I'm glad we'll be close by. SO EXCITED!!!!!
Oh congratulations!!! Welcome to the pregnant with multiples club. I am so happy for you and your perfect little beans. SO SO happy for you!!!
HOOOOOORRRRAAAAYYYY!!! Valerie!! That's so amazing!! I'm so very happy for you and your husband!! I pray that you will have the most safe and enjoyable pregnancy as possible. You will be an amazing mother!! Congratulations!!! Keep us all updated!! I can't wait to read more!
Ok so I just saw you on another blog and thought I should and see if it was really the Valerie that I knew in high school, and it is! It is so good to see you again, well you know through pictures anyways.
We are in Washington too, over on the East-side, my Husband is at WSU in Pullman. we love it here.
Congrats on expecting twins. Both of my sisters have aset of twins. Everyone is wondering when it will be my turn to have twins but it won't be for awhile. Although I do have a little boy due at the end of July, that will be four for us.
Check out my blog too. http://robandsuzie.blogspot.com/
I just love blogging!
Congratulations, Valerie! I'm so happy for you!
Congratulations Valerie and Christian! So Happy & Excited for you! Hope & pray things continue to go well and that you aren't too sick!
Holy Cow!!!! Congrats!!!
Wow! Congrats!!!!! Twins are fun.
Hey Valerie-----Long time no see--I saw the link for your blog on facebook..... CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! We're so happy for you! How fun that you are having twin boys that is so exciting! I hope that you have a healthy pregnancy and I will definitely keep checking here for updates :)
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