Okay.. so it's been awhile since my last post. Here is a little about life as we know it.
Last Saturday, while we were shopping at Old Navy, we got word that his mother was in the hospital with abdominal pain. It came on really sharp and she thought she better go to the ER. It turned out that her pancreas was enlarged and causing a significant amount of pain. She spent almost an entire week there and just came home last night. The doctors did many types of tests and nothing could explain why her pancreas was enlarged. I'm grateful that she is doing better now, but it was hard to have someone you love in pain but be so far away from them. When this happened, you realize how truly precious life is.
Then Thursday night, our pug Maddie had a series of 3 seizures. She has had a few before; it's been nearly 14 months since her last one. As we held and comforted her, it was so hard to watch her jerk and listen to her moan. She is all we really have and don't know what we'd do without her. I always get a little taste of how helpless my mom felt when I had febroric seizures when I was younger. Thankfully, I grew out of them. This morning, we took Maddie to the vet because we were so worried and felt like these were worse than her other ones. She gave us a dose of valium to give her at the onset to stop another one from starting. Hopefully for our and Maddie's sakes, it will be a while before she has another one.
And now for some good news....As Christian was paying bills this week, he called me at work to tell me that we have only $2900 more to go on our IVF loan of $12,000. I'm so grateful that we have been blessed financially to have children this way. Hopefully within a couple months, we can start a second IVF cycle. We can't wait to give Maddie a human brother or sister some day.